Thursday, March 13, 2014

India #11 - Day 6

A dusty dirt track across some low hills, driving through a ravine deep enough to swallow our SUV, temperature in the upper 90's, and a farming village full of Christians. That was the setting of today's medical camp.

We loaded up and left our hotel this morning, traveled again on some "interesting" roads (see yesterday's post for a description), and in three hours made our way over the above mentioned dirt track to our destination.

As our team walked from our vehicle to a house, we heard the joyous sound of voices and percussion instruments. (There is no church building in this village - just a pastor, and a group of 70 people who love Jesus.) The people had already gathered in anticipation of our arrival and worshipped God as they waited.

We entered the thatched-roof outer room and it was filled, literally wall-to-wall with people, sitting and kneeling with their hands and voices raised. We could barely gain access to the front of the room where a hastily created "stage" (three chairs) awaited pastor Daniel, our interpreter, and myself.

What a privilege it was to encourage these people to simply love each other, and to dwell together in unity. I believe that is is an important word for the church, for any church. How will the world know that we are Christ's followers, that Jesus came from the Father if we don't love each other?.

When we were finished our doctors began to see people and minister in their skill. All told, our doctors saw 80+ people. When we finished we were treated to an excellent Indian meal provided by the owners of the humble home where met.

We departed for another three-plus hours on the road, heading to the train station where we boarded our train to Jammu, 22 hours away.

We had one bonus as we drove: I was able to share Christ with our hired SUV driver, a young Hindu man, and through Dr. Pratibha's clear translation, lead the young man to Jesus!

Right now I am being jostled about on my top berth as our train races north, hoping we'll pass through an area with a strong enough cell signal so I can upload this Blog post.

I love this life! Thank you for following!


Anonymous said...

God bless you all Brad and company as you travel. I am so impressed with the blogs. I actually feel like I am there and can feel the spirit of Jesus come right through me. I have tears rolling right down my face. Tears of joy my friends. The people will never forget all that you have done for them through the hands of our Lord. God bless you all from America..

Brad Lewis said...

Thank you for your HUGE encouraging words. I am blessed that you are a part of my trip, simply by following my Blog posts.

May I inquire who you are? Email me at and let me know who this is. Please indicate which "Day" of my India trip you commented on.

Thanks again!

Philip A. Guzman, Esq. said...

Be the candle by which God's love shines forth, Brad!

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