Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I Read A Book

A friend of mine gave me a book to read. I finally finished it the other day. It was good. No, it was great.

It was great because it hugely affected my life. It challenged me to think about, reflect on, and evaluate parts of my life that I tend to stay away from. My friend knew this would happen. That's why he gave it to me.

I will say no more about how my life was impacted by this book. But I will say a bit more about how my life was impacted by this friend. You see, my friend thought enough of me and our friendship to take the risk of challenging me through an author's thoughts. I'm glad he did.

My response: to make sure that I am challenging my friend(s) in ways that their lives will be enriched, altered and changed.

Maybe I need to give a book.

Question: How are you impacting your friends? Share your thoughts below in "responses".

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Tuesday, January 09, 2007

What Have You Done So Far?

What have you done so far this year? In the past 10 days, what have you done that matters? Under the category "Things That Change the World", what is your contribution?

On December 31st I challenged a group of people with these words: Do you want to tread water, or do you want to change the world?

You may be thinking, "OK, but isn't there anything in between? Do I have to choose between nothing and everything?" Well, yes there is an "in-between", but I figure that if we're going to go beyond treading water, let's set our sights high and do something that really matters.

I have a friend who is walking through some very difficult days right now. He has been wrongly accused of impropriety and was forced out of his job, a job where he has touched the lives of literally thousands of people in the county where he lives.

As a result, scores of people have rallied around him. Some are calling and visiting, voicing their displeasure with the system and process by which he is facing injustice. Most though, are taking a public stand and are expressing their feelings through newspaper editorials, meetings and public statements. My friend said it this way: It's like attending my own memorial service.

Why would people rally around my friend and take a stand like this? Because he has spent the greater part of his life changing his part of the world. And the lives he has affected remember what has been done for them.

So, what have you done so far this year? Are you doing anything to change your part of the world?

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