Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Thursday, March 21, 2013
India 2.0 - Day 8-14
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Kashmir is the northernmost state of India that borders Pakistan, Afghanistan, and China. As we entered the state, Internet communication became 'iffy', and the farther north we traveled the 'iffyer' it got.
Recent terror attacks in the city of Srinigar where we spent our last three days of ministry made for a tense situation, as well as communication blackouts. But, the Lord was good, ministry was accomplished, and lives were impacted.
Here's a summary of the last seven days of our mission trip:
- Day 8: We conducted a second medical camp in Punjab, were able to minister to many people, and I even had an encounter with a demon possessed man that I was able to see the Lord release him as I cast it out.
- Day 9-10: Traveled to the Hundu shrine city of Katra in Jammu-Kashmir, where we began a two-day crusade. Pastor Daniel & I preached, and there were hundreds who attended the meetings. There is only one Christian church in the entire city of 38,000. Millions of Hindus travel there to visit the shrine. Also, we conducted a medical camp in the nearby mountains, ministering to many very poor farming families, and a second camp inside the city at a school.
- Day 11: We traveled about 1-1/2 hours to Dhama in the Udampur district where we conducted a highly organized camp and saw over 450 patients. We prayed for many, engaged the people, and shared Christ in conversations.
- Day 12: We left at 5:00 am for the 7 hour trip through the mountains to Srinigar. It was here we connected with Kersheed Kelu, a former Muslim who daily risks his life for the Gospel in this all-Muslim region. After we checked in to our houseboat hotel (a very popular lodging accommodation there) on the Dahl Lake, we proceeded to a very poor village of saffron farmers where our doctors cared for over 450 people. This village has only two believers, and it is a hard work for Pastor Kelu.
- Day 13: We traveled again to the saffron growing areas to conduct another medical camp in a village where Pastor Kelu is seeking to make connection. The camp went a long way in raising his reputation in that community.
- Day 14: While Pastor Daniel, Zach and I prepared to depart for the Srinigar airport, we said goodbye to the rest of the team who traveled by our hired vehicle back to Jammu (7 hours) where they boarded a train for a 37 hour return journey to Kazipet (where our ministry began). The three of us left for the airport to begin our long journey home (7 airports in two days).
A footnote: On Wednesday evening, I purchased a motorcycle for Pastor Kelu -shown in white shirt (with some help from Pastor Daniel). Kelu has no transportation and constantly borrows vehicles from friends to conduct his village ministry. This is an investment that Elaine and feel committed to, and we have no hesitation of entrusting precious personal funds into. To see Kelu light up, and again demonstrate his humility and graciousness humbled me.
Zach and I are ready to return home, but we will always be impacted by the days we spent in India as father & son, film-maker & missionary.
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Thursday, March 14, 2013
India 2.0 - Day 6-7
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Finally, after 36 hours our train ride ended in Pathankot, Punjab. We arrived just after noon, were met by the local pastor Vinod, and were whisked to our hotel for much needed showers.
Because of the train delay and its effect on our schedule, we didn't have time for lunch but went right to work. At about 4:00, fresh samosas and tea was served to the team. Zach and I were so impressed with the samosas that we asked our host to make a couple more for just us (international guest privilege...). Ah, India!
Today we conduct a medical camp beginning at 9:00 am, then we travel four hours to Jammu, check into a hotel, then travel one hour to the Hundu shrine city of Katra to begin a two-day crusade meeting.
Because of a delay with the train the previous night, we were behind schedule so we had to quickly be shuttled to our first medical camp. Over 100 people were waiting for us in a small village of about 1,500. A total of 134 patients were ministered to.
The doctors saw patients, Zach filmed, and I prayed for people. This village is very resistant to the Gospel, and after 2 1/2 years of a Christian presence, there are only a handful of families to make up the 15 member church. But the pastor of this village church is not discouraged, and he felt that the presence of a medical camp that he sponsored would be an opening reach to reach the villagers.

After a dinner served right there where the medical camp was held, we conducted a service for the few who chose to attend. I presented the Gospel, however no one responded. I did notice that our hired driver, a young Hindu man, was hanging onto every word I spoke (through my interpreter). When he brought us back to the hotel, I hung back from going to the room and with Dr. Srinivas as my interpreter, I led the young man to Christ. It was a great ending to the day!

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Wednesday, March 13, 2013
India 2.0 - Day 5
The Indian railway system: Hour 23, the city of Jheansi. We pass the time with conversation, reading, and trip planning. And of course sleeping at night.
Zach has been in full creative mode: Filming the countryside from the moving train, creating time-lapse sequences, and shooting interviews.
The stops are limited on this train, so just about every time we do stop Zach and I jump off and take some footage during the 5 minute layover. The platforms are a wild mix of passengers, vendors, food carts, and freight to be transported. At this stop, I saw two policeman transporting prisoners (see pic).
India... Thanks for following!
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Tuesday, March 12, 2013
India 2.0 - Day Four

I have learned to expect the unexpected...
Last night, what was planned as an evangelistic service turned into a service where over 300 people came forward for prayer. And I was tasked with praying for each of them individually. After I prayed for each person, Pastor Daniel spoke to them and had several share their testimony through the mic so others could be encouraged.

It was a big night with a big presence of God and big miracles!
Today was a day of preparation for our train journey to Punjab and Kashmir. Zach, Jesher and I went into the city once more, this time to purchase some extra memory for backing up the film project Zach is working on.
Then it was divide and pack: We had to trim from our luggage anything that was not absolutely necessary, both personally and technically. We are very limited to how much we can carry on the train and in the hired cars, so trimming was required.
One of our team's doctors has arrived, and in just a few moments we will head for the train station where we will be joined by our other doctor, and then board the train for the north.
We have a 34 hour train ride ahead. This will be the fourth time I have made this journey, but it doesn't make it any shorter. I will have the team to spend time with, will meet people on the train and engage them, and of course will have some good time with my son.
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Monday, March 11, 2013
India 2.0 - Day 3

Last evening we began an outdoor crusade in a predominantly communist village about a 30 minute drive from Pastor Daniel's home and church.
The atmosphere was electric as we drove onto the grounds: Hundreds upon hundreds of people had gathered, the worship band was playing, the singers and flag-bearers were on the stage in full force, and there was a great anticipation among the people!
After welcomes, garlanding, and acknowledgments, I was handed the mic and proceeded to bring a word about Jesus healing a blind man who called out to Him.
I told the people that everyone had needs: Some are physical, some are emotional, some are spiritual. Whatever need we have, we should call out to Jesus. He desires to meet our needs.
At the altar call time over 200 people responded, most to commit their lives to Jesus for the first time. Pastor Daniel and I split apart, and with the help of the "altar girls" we individually prayed for each person who came.
Not only did most express a desire to commit their lives to Christ, but many of those experienced physical hearings, even as they received Christ! We stopped periodically to allow a few to give testimonies of salvation and healing.
It was a HUGE!

We came back to Daniel's for another of his wife Azuba's wonderful Indian meals. Right now Zach is spending time with Jesher taking Apple tech, while I am in our room writing this Blog.
Tonight we go back to the communist village to conclude the crusade. Daniel says that the crowd should be larger, with even more Hindus attending. I will again be bringing a message on the saving power of Jesus Christ. We are anticipating another HUGE response.
Thanks for following!
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Sunday, March 10, 2013
India 2.0 - Day 2

If Sundays define the life of a Christian, then this Sunday morning does a great job of establishing hat the rest of our ministry in India will be:
The day began with our participation in the main worship service of Ecclesia Ministries Church, where Daniel Kalyanapu (our host) is the pastor. We sang songs of praise & worship, we prayed for a family of believers who represented three generations of former Hindus who came to Christ, and we commissioned new leaders to serve in various capacities in the church.
After Zach and I were "garlanded", he continued his diligent video work, and I took the mic to bring the word to the many hundreds of people who had gathered (with the help of Jesher, my translator).
I had prepared to bring another message to share with the people this day, but as the service time approached, I was compelled by God to go a totally different direction.
So with great focus I spoke about Mary, the mother of Jesus, and relayed the story of when the angel approached her and told her she would become the mother of the Son of God.

I encouraged them to look beyond the natural and see things the way God sees things: In the supernatural, to look beyond our abilities and see things through the Holy Spirit's power.
As Zach and I were whisked by car across the city to the next place where I was to preach, Jesher (who is on the Pastoral team at the Ecclesia Ministries Church) told me that my message was spot on, and was exactly what the people needed to hear at this time.
We arrived at a mission church begun by Ecclesia, and found a couple hundred people already engaged in hearing a word from their pastor. They were simply making good use of their time as they were waiting for our arrival. The pastor closed down his message in short order and I was once again given the mic.
Sensing that the message that was fresh in my heart was applicable to this group of people also, I again brought the same word of encouragement and exhortation. Once again the response of the people proved me accurate in hearing what was the right word, for the right people, for the right hour.
I laid hands on and prayed for every person in the building, and finally a very tired Brad and his son were driven back to Ecclesia where a wonderful Indian meal was waiting for us. (Complemented by southern fried chicken for Zach! Well, we are in Southern India...)
This evening we will drive to a church that was established in the communist part of the city and once again bring the Word of God. I know it will once again it will be a great experience.
Thank you for following!
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Saturday, March 09, 2013
India 2.0 - Day 1

Technically, we arrived in India yesterday (Friday), but with customs, extended luggage scrutiny (recent terrorist activity in Hyderabad) and the required travel to Pastor Daniel's home in Kazipet, it was midnight and therefore Saturday when we finally got settled.
Zach spent about an hour-and-a-half preparing his equipment for filming, and I reviewed my notes in preparation to speak at the "Second Saturday Revival Service" that is held monthly at Daniel's church.
After a good night's sleep to reverse the jet lag we were ready to go this morning!
I was overwhelmed with joy when I saw the large crowd already engaged in spirited worship as I entered the building. So many of the folks are people I have encountered on my other trips to India and Daniel's church. It was great to see so many familiar faces!
Zach and I were welcomed in the traditional way of "garlanding and shawling", and then I was given the microphone and proceeded to bring the word, speaking about a man who had an unexpected encounter with God (Acts 3), assisted by my favorite translator Jesher.
As I finished, Pastor Daniel took over and concluded the service with a brief word of encouragement. We then had a time of prayer, where Pastor Daniel and I prayed for a few hundred people. We saw many instances of physical healing and spiritual ministry. (Zach filmed, and filmed some more...)
One young man (pictured above in the purple shirt) had traveled over 140 km to attend with the assistance of friends. He had fallen from a bridge a year ago and had lost the sight in his eyes. Today while I was preaching God's Word, his sight was restored! It was a HUGE testimony as he shared during the prayer time.
A great beginning to a great time of ministry in India! Tomorrow I will speak three times at three different churches, twice in the morning and once in the evening. Zach will film...
(Look below and to the right in the 'Blog Archive' menu for more posts on this India trip.) Thanks for following!
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Tuesday, March 05, 2013
India 2.0

We leave very early on Thursday from our respective airports (he from Ft. Lauderdale, me from Pensacola) and will connect in Dallas for the flight together to Dubai, and then on to Hyderabad.
As I have been preparing for the upcoming trip, I came up with a list of what I am looking forward to:
It is going to be a great trip and a great time of ministry!
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- My son will be joining me, and we will get to experience the India I have grown to love... Together!
- We will be conducting medical camps in remote villages in the Himalayan mountains.
- We will once again partner with Pastor Daniel Kalyanapu of Ecclesia Ministries.
- I will have the opportunity to preach God's Word to non-Christians and see them come to Christ, and pray for the sick and crippled, seeing God work miracles.
- My son will be filming a documentary of the work in India.
- I will rekindle the relationships I have developed with friends, pastors, doctors, and the Indian people whom I minister alongside of.
- The noise, the smells, the people, the experience of India.
- We will be extending the work of the two ministries I am connected to here in the US: GraceChurch, and Immanuel's Church.
- Great Indian food! (Although my wife has become quite the Indian Culinary Master.)
- The time spent with my son will be invaluable...
If I haven't already mentioned it, we are both incredibly excited!
Thank you to those who have supported this endeavor financially. Thank you to those who are praying for my son and myself.
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