A couple of evenings ago, my wife and I took a short walk from our house to the shore of the "sound" (body of water running along the Florida panhandle separating the mainland from the island). There we sat in a couple of chairs in the sand at the water's edge, and watched the sun go down.
There was a fog/mist coming in from the Gulf of Mexico, and combined with the ever-changing colors of a Florida sunset, we had a 45 minute "piece of paradise".
We spent the time talking, being thankful, and sharing dreams. We also pointed out to each other things various we observed: She noticed the Purple Martins nesting in their house; I noticed the cloud patterns in the sky.
We ended the evening with a long walk, holding hands and talking some more. It was a glorious evening!
Later, as I was reflecting on our time, I was struck with this thought: As we sat and noticed things, what my wife saw was different from what I saw. But as we shared our observations with the other, together we saw
much more than we would have seen alone.
That's the way it is with relationships: Together, people tend so see
much more then they would see by themselves. Husbands & wives, friends, work teams, artistic collaborations.
I encourage you to value those you interact with. Allow them to see what you don't see, to observe what you might miss, to add to your vision. I promise, you'll see
much more!
Question: When have you seen much more by collaborating with another? Share your thoughts below in comments.
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