Well it's that time of year again: a new year is here and with it comes new beginnings, new ideas and the standard New Year Resolutions. According to one poll, 45% of Americans make them. The same poll indicated that after one month only 64% are still at it. After six months the number drops to 46%.
There are websites dedicated to New Year's Resolutions. Top Ten Resolutions, How To achieve Your Resolution, Funny New Year's Resolutions, Business New Year's Resolutions and even Brittany Spears' New Years Resolution (not to bite her nails).
We've been told to choose a goal that's achievable. Next we're to plan a strategy for attaining that goal. Next, work the plan consistently. Finally, have some accountability.
I'd like to propose that we choose this one, single, "wide-reaching" New Year's Resolution: to be a better spouse/parent/child/grand-parent/friend (whatever relationship we have to others). By focusing on that one "bigger picture", we can accomplish many "smaller" resolutions.
If I want to be a better parent, one way of expressing that is the desire to be around for a long time for my kids and their children. So I will make sure I am eating healthy and exercising regularly.
If I want to be a better son, one way of expressing that will be to make sure I call my Mom more often.
If I want to be a better friend, I can express it by spending time encouraging my friends.
If I want to be a better husband, I can communicate honestly with my wife.
By seeking to become better in my relationships, I am ultimately doing many smaller things (many of which made to the "Top-Ten New Year's Resolutions" list).
(By the way I quit biting my nails during my freshman year of college.)
Thanks for sharing.My resolutions include stop procrastination,stop cynicism, stop comparing,stop complaining,stop Competing,stop Contending,stop criticizing, Challenging great goals such as world peace n Happiness of Others.To built a strong sense of responsibility.
Wish you all a Joyful New Year.
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Thank you Avagdro. Your resolutions are all-encompassing, challenging and focused your relationships. I wish you the best!
Resolutions? Too many to list, but I suspect that you already know what most of them are. Happy New Year, my friend.
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