The people of this village of 1,500 were very poor farmers and herders. There are two schools in the village, and the children were dismissed to come and receive medical treatment. The children along with their parents comprised a crowd of people that kept the medical team busy with examinations and medicine distribution.
This was a bit of a different atmosphere from the previous day, where there were many Christians who organized the camp. These people were predominantly Hindi and Muslim, and although the Spirit of God was just as strong, we were a bit more selective about praying for the people and children as to keep the doors open for future ministry.
We met the assistant principal at one of the schools (who was also a teacher) and he invited Pastor Daniel and me to tour his school. After our tour, the man and I continued a conversation as I asked about the people, the area and the religious influences. As we talked, I knew that God had set up that "appointment" for me to engage in a conversation with the man.
For almost an hour I listened intently, and then at one point in the conversation, I asked him about his beliefs. He stated that he was a Hindu. I told him that I believed in Jesus, and asked for permission to share how I became a Christian. I proceeded to share the Gospel with him as a personal story of my life, and then asked if he would like to commit his life to Christ. He said a resounding "yes", and I led him to faith in Jesus.
Knowing his belief system, I told him to pray to Jesus, and that Jesus would speak to him. I am believing that the Lord will show Himself strong to the man and he will see that he no longer needs any other gods. Pastor Daniel (who knew what I was up to as I conversed with the man), said that he is a man of great influence in that village and he will be used to bring Christianity to the people there.

Next we proceeded on an hour-long trek across even worse roads to the next village and medical camp, this one held outdoors in the 100+ degree heat. As was earlier in the day, the people lined up for treatment and prayer and the team ministered healing in Jesus’ Name. Again, I cannot think of any place I’d rather be than right here, right now.
This evening we held the second night of the crusade in the middle of the city. Word had spread about the things that God had done the night before and the crowd swelled to just over 1,000. Again Pastor Daniel and I shared the preaching responsibilities, and at the time of the altar call, hundreds came forward to receive Christ.

The spirit of evangelism was strong, and Pastor Daniel asked me to lead those who came forward in the "Sinner’s Prayer". I first told the crowd that there may be more who wanted to receive Christ and asked everyone to pray with me. After we prayed, I asked who prayed that prayer for the first time and many, many hands in the congregation went up along with those who had come forward. We began to pray for people and many more came forward, declaring their faith in Jesus.
Another incredible day for the Kingdom! Thank you Lord that I got to witness it and be a part of it!
Wonderful things are happening wherever you go in India. We thank God and pray for you as you continue your travels.
Matt says: Thank you for doing God's work!"
Phil Ina and Matt
Brad, Awesome work for an Awesome God! Soak in every minute of it.
-D Mac
Thanks Phil, Ina and Matt! It has been a long, hard, hot, but awesome experience! thanks for sharing it with me!
Thanks D Mac, whoever you are? I appreciate your encouragement!
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