Monday, March 11, 2013

India 2.0 - Day 3

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Last evening we began an outdoor crusade in a predominantly communist village about a 30 minute drive from Pastor Daniel's home and church.

The atmosphere was electric as we drove onto the grounds: Hundreds upon hundreds of people had gathered, the worship band was playing, the singers and flag-bearers were on the stage in full force, and there was a great anticipation among the people!

After welcomes, garlanding, and acknowledgments, I was handed the mic and proceeded to bring a word about Jesus healing a blind man who called out to Him.

I told the people that everyone had needs: Some are physical, some are emotional, some are spiritual. Whatever need we have, we should call out to Jesus. He desires to meet our needs.

At the altar call time over 200 people responded, most to commit their lives to Jesus for the first time. Pastor Daniel and I split apart, and with the help of the "altar girls" we individually prayed for each person who came.

Not only did most express a desire to commit their lives to Christ, but many of those experienced physical hearings, even as they received Christ! We stopped periodically to allow a few to give testimonies of salvation and healing.

It was a HUGE!

Today Zach and I spent a few hours in the Hanamkonda shopping district getting a few things... and Zach got to experience Indian street life for the first time. It was cool to watch his reactions, as well as watch him creatively capture footage for the documentary film he will be creating.

We came back to Daniel's for another of his wife Azuba's wonderful Indian meals. Right now Zach is spending time with Jesher taking Apple tech, while I am in our room writing this Blog.

Tonight we go back to the communist village to conclude the crusade. Daniel says that the crowd should be larger, with even more Hindus attending. I will again be bringing a message on the saving power of Jesus Christ. We are anticipating another HUGE response.

Thanks for following!

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Philip A. Guzman, Esq. said...

Off to a great start. Nice to hear that you are, not only preaching to new people, but encountering old friends as well. Must be special to have Zack with you!

Brad Lewis said...

Thanks Phil! Yes, I'd say that the greatest thing about this trip is having Zach with me. We did the marketplace today: India as it is meant to be experienced!

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