Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Make September Count

It's September. Summer is over. School has started. Fall is just around the corner. However you want to say it, the year is 2/3 over.

Here is a fresh opportunity for you to have have an impact, to create something, to do what you've been putting off for a while.

This morning as I was thinking and praying, I began to focus on something that I had been working on for myself, that I had set aside for a few weeks. I hadn't abandoned it. I was simply allowing the inertia that had been created to keep the momentum going. Well now is the time for me to breathe new life into this project.

Fresh starts are good. Re-starts are good too. Whatever condition you find yourself in creatively, you can always start now, even if you are starting again. You may not be able to wipe the slate clean, but you can begin again, now.

Jump-start, re-kindle, re-send. Case it anyway you want. Call it what you need to. Just take the step, turn the key, push the button.

Make this September count for you. Now.

Question: What can you do to make September count for you?

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Tracy said...

Thanks Brad just what I needed to hear. I have not written anything in about 2 weeks and now its time to breath new live in it.

Brad Lewis said...

Tracy, now is the best time as any to start...

Libby said...

Thanks so much Brad. I needed to read this and get some motivation. I'm trying to create a new me through weight loss and this is giving me inspiration to get back on the wagon of counting calories!

Brad Lewis said...

I'm glad my words could be a help to you. All of us need a little motivation sometimes. Most of my blog posts come from a personal "source", so what I write is usually what I have "written to me" first.

Stay strong, keep going, and be an inspiration to others. Thanks again!

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