Last evening was HUGE! Pastor Charles and I both preached to the crowd of over 3,000, each sharing a Gospel message of hope and restoration. At the time of altar call, more than 300 came to give their lives to Jesus for the first time! (See pic above.)
A time of praying for the sick followed and by the time we left the venue, it was just shy of 11:00 pm. One crippled man testified of four of his friends carrying him to the meeting so he could be prayed for (a true Biblical experience). He was prayed for, and he stood up and walked!
Another woman was blind and she received her sight! There were many more physical healing miracles that are too many to mention in this posting. The Lord is a mighty God!
This morning I brought a message about Elisha and his servant who was able to see that "those who are with us are greater than those who are with them". Pastor Daniel followed with a complementing message about Elisha receiving a double-portion of Elijah's spirit.
We invited people to come forward to receive a double-portion of the Spirit, and hundreds responded. I wanted to post a pic of the crowd of people who gathered at the altar area, but instead chose the next two pictures which I'll explain in a moment.
We did NOT lay hands on anyone, nor did we personally pray for anyone. We simply asked the Holy Spirit to come doubly on the assembled people. As we finished, people began to come on the stage and testify of healings that took place as we prayed. Remember, we didn't pray for any healings, but the Lord in His love chose to heal, and over 100 different healings were testified to and recorded! The Lord is a great God!
Well, as to the pictur

es shown here... This young lady came up later and asked for prayer for pain she had in her legs, having experienced the pain for over a year. She had walked many miles to attend the crusade. It was obvious that she had difficulty walking. She was prayed for, and then started to walk off the stage. She stopped, turned around and with a smile on her face came to tell Pastor Daniel that her legs were healed! The pain was gone!

It was an extremely powerful evening and morning of salivations, healings and victories. We believe this evening (I'm hearing the worship beginning in the distance) will be even greater! I can't wait to tell you about it!