Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Creative Ministry

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I went to the store for my wife last night just before 9:00. No big deal: my wife knows I will do anything for her (unless it has to do with crawling & broken glass). While I was there I had the opportunity to encourage two different customers, a cashier, and a co-worker of mine. Plus I got a good deal on some fruit.

I have found that opportunities for ministry are everywhere. All we have to do is be a little creative and look for them.

A friend of mine, L.C. Campbell, goes to his local Walmart just about every evening. He really doesn't need to buy stuff all the time. He goes because he knows that is where people are, and people need encouragement. And that's what he does: he helps and encourages people. This isn't something new for him. I have known L.C. for over 35 years, and this has always been his lifestyle.

I know of other people who regularly go to Starbucks so they can develop relationships and somehow be a help and witness to their "Starbucks friends". Another person I know rides on public transportation so he can be around people, and find ways to creatively help those who need it.

Each week at our staff meeting, I remind our team that what we do is about people, not tasks. We need to simply see the people that cross our paths, and look for ways to touch them, to encourage them, to minister to them.

Some Christians squeeze their eyes shut and passionately pray, "Lord, show me who You want me to minister to today." I say open your eyes and look around: people are everywhere. Pick one and go minister!

Question: What do you do to creatively minister? Please respond below.

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Tracy said...

Awesome reminder. This concept is really not knew. Jesus also went to the people, he did not wait for them to come to him.

Just walking the mall,sitting in books a million, you will see people that need the love of Jesus.

Brad Lewis said...

Thank you Tracy. You are right: opportunities to minister, encourage and influence are everywhere!

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