I came away from that conversation with a few ideas, and after considering them for a couple of days, here are some of my thoughts:
First, money drives the motivation and innovation in most people's lives. Many employees think that if there is no money, there can't be growth.
Second, in a recessed and downsizing climate employees ought to not simply get by, but rather step up and make themselves invaluable (even if for selfish reasons: keeping their job).
Third, all people can be entrepreneurial in their thinking (even as I have trumpeted the concept that all people are creative).
Fourth, if they will unpack the hidden entrepreneurial spirit they carry, people can go much further in all of their endeavors, personally and professionally. Instead of depending on your company and your paycheck for your livelihood, seek other streams of revenue for your area of work in your company and for your personal income.
In conclusion, let me encourage readers to think beyond the confines of always doing things a certain way and explore other possibilities. (Here I go): Everyone is creative! capitalize on your creativity and become entrepreneurial!
Thanks for the encouragement. I have been laid off for some time and things seem a little bleak financially (at times). I want to break out into creativity (launch out into the deep)with my entrepreneurial desires. No better time than now huh? God bless you and your family and keep writing.
Thank you for your encouragement to keep writing. My Blog tag line says it all: "Encouraging Dreams, Passion and Creativity". I know that there are some great ideas inside of you. Pull them out and make them work!
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