Sunday, January 05, 2014

India 2014: Coming Soon!

My next mission trip to India is coming up fast! On March 6th I leave the States and embark on my 11th trip to the country that I have adopted as my second home.
Once again I will be partnering with Pastor Daniel Kalyanapu, spending three days preaching and praying for people in crusades in and around Kazipet, as well as ministering in Pastor Daniel's church.

Then a team of doctors, nurses, and I will board a train for multiple ministry stops where we will conduct medical camps in unreached villages, on our way to Kashmir where we will partner with Kelu, a converted Muslim.
My love and respect for Kelu runs deep, as I have witnessed the daily persecution he and his family face in an unreached region as he witnesses for Christ. He has been beaten, evicted, physically harassed, and shunned, and yet his gentle though tenacious spirit puts him daily in the middle of communities, meeting needs and sharing Christ.

Another treat will be that we will minister alongside of Abdul, whom God revealed Himself to while he was reading the Koran. He committed his life to Christ, and now seeks to bring the Gospel to his people in India. Pastor Charles Schmitt of Immanuel's Church and I had the privilege of ordaining him in 2010.
I love going to this region of India. There is much terrorism and unrest there, but so many have never heard the name Jesus. I want to go and share it with them.

My previous trips to India were funded by the generous people of Immanuel's Church when I served as a pastor. Now I serve as a non-paid pastor in a very small church, supporting my family by working as a "tent-maker" in an insurance agency.

Would you consider supporting me and my mission trip this year? I know that you will partner with me in prayer. I am also asking that you consider supporting me financially.

You can click the "PayPal" button on the top right, or if you'd like you can send a check payable to GraceChurch, and it will be applied to my trip expenses. (Mail to: Brad Lewis, 1913 Catamaran Drive, Navarre, FL 32566. Please write India Missions on the memo line of the check.)

Thank you for your investment into my life and into the lives of those who need to hear about Christ!


Philip Claycomb said...

Hi Pastor Brad,

How are you? I read about your upcoming trip to India, it sounds wonderful. I pray the Lord blesses you in a special way.
God bless, Philip Claycomb (from Immanuel's)

Brad Lewis said...

Hey Phillip! Great to hear from you... Thanks for following. I hope you are continuing your ministry in India also. Stay in touch!


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