You are busy. Everyone is. Stop for a minute...
You have your job. Some have more than one job. Stop for a minute...
You have your family. Some have more than one family. Stop for a minute...
You have your recreation. Some have more than one recreation activity. Stop for a minute...
You have your cooking, cleaning, shopping, gift wrapping, card writing, rehearsals, kids activities, travel, school finals, project deadlines, bolg posting, creative endeavors, bill paying, Facebook updating, leading, influencing, relationship building, ministry, exercising, and on and on...
Stop for a minute...
May I suggest that in the whirlwind of your activity, you stop for a minute... Catch your breath, refocus yourself, and ask what is the purpose behind the activity I am involved in right now?
Many of the things that we are doing are not our choice: we must do them. But at this time of year, some of the things we are doing are our choice. A good question to ask is why?
Stop for a minute...
Question: Are there activities you are doing this Christmas season that are not very purposeful, but are simply something you do? Share your thoughts below in comments.
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