I guess there are arguments on both sides of this concept. But remember, we are talking about change, and not entertainment (as in re-makes of movies).
Have you used an "old" idea lately? Have you taken someone else's idea and improved on it? (No sense re-inventing the wheel, right?) Have you re-packaged something that has been used before? I think we all have done that from time to time. But again, we are talking about change.
"Are there any new ideas out there to be had?" you may be asking. Have they all been "used up"? And if I do get an original idea, can it be used to ensure lasting change?
I think that is the key right there. Am I seeking new ideas because I want to bring about change?
What kind of a change would you like to bring about? What would you like to see different? What would you like the world to look like after you are finished with it?
So we are back to the original statement: Any real change comes from new ideas, rather than rehashed versions of old ones. Once you know what you'd like to do, start being creative and do something original. Don't push the limits, rather move beyond them.
Remember that the Creator did that very thing when He made you. He looked at everything else He made up to that point, and then created something brand new. And that changed the world forever.
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