Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Anna Nicloe Smith

I have to do it. I am going to rant and rave about something that ticks me off! OK, here goes...

Yesterday as I was running on the treadmill, I watched three different news outlets on TV say that one of their top stories was the announcement of the corner's findings from the Anna Nicole Smith autopsy in Broward County, Florida. These were reputable media outlets, not just Entertainment Tonight.

Here's my peeve: Has our society become so off-centered that a press conference dealing with the autopsy of a pseudo-celebrity becomes a highlight of the day's news cycle? Why does the six-week old death of a former playboy playmate still garner headline status? Why do people build their lives around what is happening in the lives of strangers, who will never affect them?

Allow me to share another story that came from Broward County, Florida the same day that Anna Nicole Smith's story ran. Baby Parker died over the weekend in a Ft. Lauderdale abortion clinic. No autopsy was done because the cause of death was a common procedure. No press conference was held. No news outlets ran the story. In fact, only four people were aware that it even happened.

No film at eleven.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Give Something Away

Here's a thought: take something that you own, one of your possessions, and give it to someone who really needs it. Seriously! In your vast arsenal of "stuff" is there something you could do without? Is there something you have multiples of, that is simply taking up space in your house?

I did this a few weeks ago. I met a young man from England who was trying to "find himself" through various eastern religions. I was able to share with him the "truth" about Jesus, and he understood, as if a light went off in his mind and heart!

In a subsequent conversation with him, I asked him if he had a Bible, to which he replied, "No." So I gave him mine. I have more Bibles. The one I gave away was one of my favorites because it was small and fit nicely in my backpack that I carry pretty much everywhere I go. Plus it had various notes and thoughts in it. But I wanted him to have it.

This is not a story about me and my wonderful sacrifice. But rather, it is about those who have needs, and we who have so much abundance. We ought to give to those who really need it. It's not much of a sacrifice if we really think about it.

By the way, the lady in the picture had me over to her home for dinner while I was in India. She gave something away: a wonderful meal from what little she had, her only chair for me to sit in so I wouldn't have to sit on the ground, and her only spoon for me to eat with so I didn't have to use my hands. Now that's humbling.

So go ahead, give something away.

Question: What can you give away to enrich someone else's life?

(If you like this post, please re-post it or Twittter it to your followers. Follow me on Twitter if you find me interesting.)

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Lead Dreamer

Are you the "Lead Dreamer" in your group (family, team, work group)? Are you constantly asking yourself and others, "What if?" When you encounter a challenge do you say, "Oh no!" or do you think, "Why not?"

Do you motivate and stimulate others to dream, and to dream big? Or do you stifle the creativity of others because it doesn't fit your "plan"?

Are the people who gather around you free to dream, led by your example and motivated by your encouragement?

I believe that God was dreaming "big" when He created man. I also believe that we are created in the image of God, therefore we too should dream "big".

A father once said to his son, "If you can dream it, you can do it." Now that's pretty good advice.

Question: How are you the Lead Dreamer in your circle of influence? Share your thoughts below in responses.

(If you like this post, please re-post it or Twittter it to your followers. Follow me @Bigcloudmusic on Twitter if you find me interesting.)

Friday, March 02, 2007

India: Epilogue

If you have kept up with my posts from India, you will agree that I had an incredible trip. I am still overwhelmed with the country, the people and what God allowed me to be a part of.

The travel from Vellore to Chennai to London to the USA took all of 40 hours with layovers and delays. But, at 6:00 pm on Monday, home at last! I did miss my wife and children very much.

I know that my life has been altered by the experiences that I had in India. I also know that being on the front lines of real ministry is a difficult but exhilarating experience. I only hope that the lives of those I came in contact with are different also, because of what the Lord has done for them.

Thanks again for "going with me" on this trip. I am glad you were a part of it.

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